Now more than ever the importance of investing into your people’s wellbeing is paramount
The harrowing experience of the Covid Pandemic, which had many living in isolation and fear, has changed behaviour patterns, habits and mindsets. People are slowly returning to the workplace, but with trepidation and anxiety. So much fear remains…of getting ill, being around people, travelling on public transport, being touched, yet we still have to come back into the world and the work environment where we have to engage with, sit with, touch, talk to, eat with and meet with other people.
Soul Space Meditation will support creating an environment that makes staff feel safe and considered, caring for their mental-health and equipping them with tools to cope and incentives to come back to work. Meditation is a centuries old technique which will not only support your people but also help to create a happier and healthier working environment, ultimately resulting in a more successful business.
What to expect : Soul Space In The Workplace
Soul Space is stand alone and can also work very well alongside any meditation or wellbeing application. Soul Space goes that much further:
* Thought Interruption Technique
A method used to quickly dispel thoughts and quieten awareness and the mind
Meditation at work: Outcomes and benfits
Stress at work takes its toll physically and mentally and holds your people back from their full potential, affecting the overall working environment and the performance of the business. There are many scientifically proven benefits in meditation which translate directly into every aspect of work, our world, minds and bodies, relationships and lives:
Meditation is learning to focus and concentrate. Meditation impacts business on many levels: improved concentration resulting in more efficiency and responding rather than reaction.
It nurtures better relationships and improves communication which all result in better decision making and overall a more efficient and profitable business. Meditation in business will also support to create a calm and nurturing environment where your people feel safe and want to be, and where your business flourishes.
Bring some Soul to your Space.
What they're saying
Ready to experience Soul Space at your workplace?
** Greater Good features our executive editor, Dacher Keltner, on the science of touch, cutting-edge research into the ways everyday forms of touch can bring us emotional balance and better health. **Touch calms our nervous centre / slows down our heartbeat / lowers blood pressure and stress hormone cortisol / riggers the release of oxytocin, a hormone known for promoting emotional bonding to others.
Personally responsible to put in the time and effort or will not get results